9 Surefire Ways to Grow Your Social Media Following Like Crazy

Surefire Ways to Grow Your Social Media Following Like Crazy

Social media can be an excellent way to grow your brand and promote your business, but it takes time and effort to make it work for you. Social media sites are constantly changing their algorithms to favor certain types of posts over others, so you can’t rely on one tactic forever, no matter how successful it seems at first glance. Fortunately, there are many different ways to grow your social media following, and all you have to do is figure out which ones work best for your target audience. With that in mind, check out these nine surefire ways to grow your social media profiles like crazy!

1) Create Valuable Content

The first thing you need to do on social media is creating valuable content. That means that you’re providing your readers with knowledge, insight, and value. You’ll also want to stay active on social media so that people can see how much you care about your business and what you do. Plus, it will give them more reason to follow you. Show off your personality by including a picture of yourself in the posts or using emojis in the text of the post. And don’t forget the hashtags! Include them in every post so they can be found more easily by people who are interested in what you have to offer but may not know just yet that they’re looking for it.

2) Keep Your Posting Schedule

Keeping your posting schedule is the easiest way to grow your following. If you post at a regular interval every day, for instance, you’ll have a more consistent presence on social media and will come across as a more credible source of information for prospective followers. Another great way to keep your following in check is by posting regularly throughout the week. It’s much easier to post five times each week than it is to post 10 posts in one day and then go dark for four days straight. And finally, if you want your following to grow at an exponential rate, don’t be afraid to share other people’s content as well.

3) Engage Your Followers

Engaging your followers is the most important tip on this list. Responding to comments and messages, liking posts, and retweeting Tweets will keep your followers happy. All of these things contribute to a sense that they are heard and appreciated by you. This will motivate them to continue following your accounts and interacting with your content, which in turn will inspire more people to follow you! You should also make it a point to engage other users as well. Retweet their tweets, like their pictures, and comment on their posts–they’ll be sure to notice you doing so and might decide to reciprocate.

4) Let Influencers Promote You

Let influencers promote you. The more followers an influencer has, the more likely they are to share your content with their followers. When you ask an influencer for a shoutout, be sure to mention why you think it would be beneficial for them and their audience. This way, they’re not just doing something for you out of the blue. They have a logical reason as to why they’d want to do it. Secondly, make sure that the influencer actually knows about you before asking them for any kind of promotion. If they don’t know anything about what you do or what makes you different from other brands then there’s no point in even asking because this will mean nothing to them or their audience either.

5) Identify Your Target Audience

You have a general idea of your target audience, but what about their specific likes and dislikes? Once you get a handle on this, you can optimize your content for them. For example, if your target audience is females aged 18-25, you would post relevant content from your blog or articles from other sites that they might like. You should also make sure that you’re posting at the right time of day based on their time zone. If they are in the Eastern Time Zone and you are in California, post an hour later. This will ensure that they see your posts when they’re most likely checking social media.

6) Cross-promote With Other Channels

Cross-promote with other channels. For example, if you have a YouTube channel, post your videos on Facebook and Twitter. If you have a blog, post your blog posts on social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. And if you have a podcast, promote it on all of the other platforms! The more cross-platform promotion you do, the more exposure and traffic you’ll get. You can also combine all three forms of social media by uploading your YouTube video to Facebook or tweeting about it from your blog. These are just some examples of ways to cross-promote between different channels for greater marketing success.

7) Research What Types of Content Gets Shared Most

When it comes to social media content, research shows that video is the most shared type of post. This means that if you’re looking for a way to get your posts in front of more people, you should focus on creating videos. Additionally, images are also quite popular. In fact, they’re the second-most shared type of content on Facebook and Twitter. Video may be the most popular, but still, only about 60% of posts include video content. Images are always an option for businesses that want to post something without investing much time or money into production.

However, with so many different types of social media platforms available today–including Instagram–it’s important not to overlook any opportunity for exposure.

8) Share Quality Visuals and Video

Quality visuals and videos are the best way to grow your social media following. If you’re only sharing text posts, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to build a large following. When you combine quality visuals and video, the possibilities for growth skyrocket. Share quality visuals that are relevant and attractive. Include photos of people who use your product or service, and make sure they’re in high-quality images with good lighting. Create videos that showcase what it’s like to be at your company or do something related to it. Show customers having a good time interacting with employees or using your product/service as well as employees talking about how much they love working there.

9) Embrace Automation Tools

Automation tools like Hootsuite or Buffer allow you to post regularly, at times when your followers are most likely on social media. These tools can also analyze your past tweets, Facebook posts, and Instagram pictures in order to find the best time of day/week/month for these posts. It is important that you try out a few different automation tools and see which one works best for you. For example, if you’re trying to reach a certain age group then Hootsuite might work better than Buffer because it allows you to target specific users by location.


Social media is a big part of our lives, and if you’re looking for a way to spice up your online presence, these nine tips are sure to help! Whether you want to grow your Twitter following or add some new people to your Facebook friends list, there’s something in this list that will help you. So get started today and watch how quickly your social media following grows!

By Dustin Brock

Dustin Brock is the founder and CEO of Onlinefancier and is an inborn tech geek holding a healthy tech obsession. He is dedicated to making complex IT processes more manageable by providing users with tutorials and guides designed personally by him. Onlinefancier is on a mission to disseminate useful tech information in an easier way for its users.

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