How to Add Image Uploads to Your Site

How to Add Image Upload to Your Site

If you’re developing your e-Commerce website SaaS applications, social platform, or other application or website, most likely, you’ll need to handle uploading images.

Creating plugins for cropping and uploading images from scratch may take up to a day or more it may feel too long when you’re creating an MVP or a small initiative, or you simply desire to get your project going as fast as you can.

This is where Uploadcare steps to assist you with uploading your images in just a few minutes. This article will provide more about the platform’s features and guide you through the process step-by-step. Let’s get started!

Step 1: How to Upload form in WordPress

The first thing to be able to install is to activate and configure the WordPressForms plugin. This is a step-by-step tutorial on what you need to do to set up the WordPress plugin.

The next step is to create a brand new form. Click on WPForms > Add New on the WordPress menu.

Then, you can create a name for your form and select the template you would like to use. WPForms includes an upload file Form template with all the necessary fields and configurations to let users upload files onto your site.

In addition, you can build the following kinds of forms by using the gallery below comprised of 300+ forms that we have already created:

Accident Report Form

  • Form for contest entry that requires submission of images for entry
  • Employee Information forms so that you can design employee badges.
  • Student enrollment form
  • Recipe catalog form
  • School ID Registration form

The formulation for support tickets to accept user-uploaded images and screenshots of the issues

The order form allows customers to upload images for customized products and accepts payment with Authorize.Net, Stripe, Square, or PayPal.

If you’d like to experience the upload form template in action, go to and look at our example demonstration of the file upload form.

If you design your online forms from scratch or employ templates, be sure you include the fields below:

  • File Upload: The field can incorporate a file uploader to your form so that users can upload their files to your site. Check out our video tutorial about how to build the form to upload files for an example of how to start. For more details, read our comprehensive guide on the field for uploading files.
  • Rich Text: If you’re using WPForms as an uploader to host guest posts or promoted posts, it is possible to allow users to upload their photos directly to the content of their posts using the Rich Text field. For more details, check out our full guide to the Rich Text field. Rich Text field.

You can also add more fields to your forms by moving these fields from your left panel onto the left-hand side of the panel.

Click in the form field and make any adjustments. It is also possible to click on a field in a form and drag it around to alter the order of your image upload form.

Step 2: Upload Field Options

WPForms allows you to save uploads of files from your forms to Your WordPress Media Library if you wish to. To do this, simply click on the File Upload field, and you will see its options on the left-hand panel.

Click then on then the Advanced tab.

If you would like to store the images you upload in the WordPress Media Library, turn on the option to store files in the WordPress Media Library.

You can then browse user-submitted images in images in your WordPress gallery. Just go to the Library >> Media menu within Your WordPress dashboard to view the uploaded images by your visitors.

After images have been added to the Media Library, you can showcase them on your site!

When your site uses the Rich Text field to allow users to upload images onto your site, you’ll need the Rich Text field to let users upload photos onto your WordPress website; you’ll have to go through the field options, then turn off the Allow Uploads of Media option.

If you do, you can also enable your Store file option in the WordPress Media Library option if you wish.

Remember, you can accept various file types on your forms.

WPForms allows uploading images for your website visitors…whether they’re looking to upload any kinds of files for your forms of contact, which includes but is not limited to:

  • Documents (.doc, .xls, .ppt, and .pdf)
  • Images (.png, .gif, and .jpg)
  • Video (.mpg, .mov, and .wmv)
  • Audio (.wav, .mp3, and .mp4)

To protect WordPress security purposes, The default types of files allowed to be uploaded are not allowed. Here’s how to add additional types of uploads on your forms and a detailed guide on the ability to allow Adobe Illustrator file uploads.

If you want to increase the maximum upload size for your website, it’s best to contact your WordPress hosting service provider to see whether it’s possible. Sometimes, things like a full-size image can be quite large. For more information, look into this guide on expanding the maximum file capacity for uploads in WordPress.

If your form appears the way you would like it to you want it to, select “Save.”

Common Problems With Images That Don’t Display

Getting images to appear on your site’s pages can be difficult initially. The most frequent reason is that either the picture wasn’t uploaded in the direction the HTML should be, or the HTML was not written correctly.

The first step is determining whether you can locate the image on the internet. Most hosting companies have an administration tool that allows you to find the location where you uploaded your photos. If you believe you have the right URL for your photo, simply type the URL into your web browser. If your image displays, it is in the correct URL.

Make sure that your HTML points to the image. The easiest method to test this is to simply paste the URL of the image you’ve just checked to your SRC attribute. Re-upload the webpage and run the test.

It is important to note that the SRC element of the image tag must never begin by using C: or filename: These will appear to function when you test your website page on your PC, but anyone who visits your website will find a broken image. This is because C: refers to an area on the HDD. Because the image is stored on your drive and appears when you look at it, however, it’s not available to any other person.

A Certain Pixel Size How to Create

If you wish to email a picture to a person via email or upload images on a website, it is sometimes necessary to change the size of the image, either to decrease its file size or meet certain requirements for size. Paint The graphics editor developed by Microsoft Corporation allows you to alter the size of a photo in only two steps.

Step 1

Go to the Windows Start Menu, click Programs,” and select “Accessories.” Select”Paint” or the “Paint” shortcut to launch the application.

Step 2

Open your image within Paint using the “Paint” menu and select the “Open” option. Locate the image document on your computer, and click the “Open” button to open it.

Step 3

Choose”Home,” then click the “Home” tab at the top of the screen. Select “Home” and then click the “Resize” button. It will then open up a new window that allows you to change the size of your photo.

Step 4

Check your “Maintain aspect ratio” check box. If you check this box and you do, you will not be able to define the width and an additional height in pixels.

Step 5

Hit the “Pixels” radio button “Pixels” radio button.

Step 6

Add new values in pixels, in”Width” and “Height. “Width” and “Height” fields. After that, click “OK.” Paint will then resize your image using the values you’ve entered.

Step 7

Use the “CtrlTRL” and “S” keys simultaneously on your keyboard to save your photo.

There you are!

Uploadcare can take the strain of uploading images rather than taking hours or even days to develop your solution starting from scratch; just add a few lines of your code and have an extremely customizable, ready-made uploader for images in a matter of minutes.

This can save a lot of time and lets you concentrate on the unique characteristics of your app or site instead of re-inventing the wheel over and over.

Suppose you have any additional concerns about Uploadcare’s uploading service or wish to learn more about its capabilities. In that case, you can refer to the manual, ask the community or arrange a demonstration.

Try Uploadcare today, and find out how easy it is to create fast, high-quality image uploads into your application or website!

By Dustin Brock

Dustin Brock is the founder and CEO of Onlinefancier and is an inborn tech geek holding a healthy tech obsession. He is dedicated to making complex IT processes more manageable by providing users with tutorials and guides designed personally by him. Onlinefancier is on a mission to disseminate useful tech information in an easier way for its users.

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